In many cases, a back-to-nature experience means long hikes through challenging paths. This is hardly the case with Capolaga Adventure Camp in Kampung Capolaga Cimuja Indah. This camp is located inside the Desa Cicadas village, West Java.
Leaving the main road and entering the camp area by following the sign is much like arriving at someone’s home. When I arrived there on a Thursday morning in June, the site was quite empty despite it being a school holiday. According to our guide, Ahmad, the weekend is the busiest period.
Visitors pay Rp 9,000 (90 US cents) per person to enter the site and the ticket must be kept for insurance purposes.
Guides are optional and subject to availability, but the path leading to the waterfalls is easy enough and made reasonably safe by bamboo railings. Steps have been fashioned with pieces of wood and bamboo plants have been planted to reduce slipperiness.
It only took us around 15 minutes to reach the first, and tallest, waterfall on the site, Curug Karembong. Ahmad said the 20-meter high waterfall looks like a scarf, which is reflected in its name karembong, which is the Sundanese word for scarf. Curug means waterfall.
Curug Karembong has two levels and is quite steep until its flow current begins to run calmly between big rocks, resulting in a relaxing gurgling sound.
We proceeded to the second waterfall, Curug Sawer, which was not really that impressive as the water is rather lack luster in terms of speed and power, but it is quite convenient for visitors with children since it is near the camping ground.
The third waterfall is the furthest from the entrance, around 550-meters away. Again the walk to Curug Goa Badak is relatively easy and fun and on the way I encountered local farmers carrying their harvest and walking their cows.
At Curug Goa Badak, Ahmad said that locals had spotted rhino inside the cave and that's how the waterfall got its name; goa is Sundanese word for cave and badak means rhinocerous. Badak also refers to the size of the cave as in Sundanese it means big.
At Curug Goa Badak, we soaked our feet in the fresh, icy cold water, which was truly a very relaxing experience with the lush, green surroundings, bird song and the cricket chirping.
On the way back we passed through the tea plantation. It was a fun trip and it certainly built my appetite for dinner.
It is good idea to bring your own food and drink supplies since Capolaga Adventure Park does not sell nor serve foods or drinks without prior booking.
Pack extra clothing and bring swimsuits.
The toilets at the entrance are much better than at the camp site. So go before you leave for your walk.
There's no fixed fee for the guide service but tip with at least Rp 50,000 for a round trip to the 3 waterfalls.
How To Get There
From Jakarta it is 3 hours drive via Sadang Highway.
From Bandung, go to Ciater Lembang until the intersection of Bandung, Ciater and Desa Cicadas village. Then turn left. It is only 15 minutes from here.
Curug Karembong: This is Capolaga's highest waterfall. It got its name as it resembles a scarf |
 Natural defense: Bridges and railings at Capolaga are constructed from bamboo, a traditional architectural material |
Go with the flow: The water from the waterfall is cold, clear and fast-flowing until it joins the river in Capolaga.
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Sonic scenery: The sound of gushing, bubbling and splashing from the waterfall is calming. |
 Natural beauty: Curug Goa Badak with its famous cave. Our guide said the name came from a urban legend that said locals saw rhinos inside the natural basin |