Sunday, November 27, 2016

Ram Fighting in Garut

Cheer on an Age-Old Sport: Ram Fighting in Garut

As a Sudanese heritage, ram fights have been held for hundreds of years in West Java. Once every few weeks, a dirt ring is staged from village to village, complete with live traditional music, commentators and judges. The rams, which can cost up to 130,000,000 IDR (RM42,024, $9,557), are dressed up in brightly coloured ornaments and bells. During a battle, the rams joust head to head, usually for 10 rounds. The fight ends when one of the rams flees from the ring, so for the faint-hearted, fret not – there’s no bloodshed involved.

Ram Fighting in Garut
Note: Do ask locals for information on ram/goat fights as the event moves from village to village. They are usually held on the outskirts of Bandung, towards the city of Garut, namely Ciwaruga, Siliwangi and Cilimus.

Picture Source : Google &

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