Thursday, June 15, 2017

Warung Daweung, Bandung

Warung Daweung, Bandung

Moko hill probably not much known by tourists coming from outside the city of Bandung, but for the citizens of Bandung and surrounding hills Moko is one of the tourist places of interest to visit on the weekends. Moko hill is a place of recreation that is located 1,500 meters above sea level. With such heights, many people who say that the Mount Moko is the highest peak in the city of Bandung .

To be able to enjoy the beautiful view of Bandung from the top of Mount Moko, of course we need to know where the location of the Mount Moko, and how to achieve Hill Moko first.

Moko hill located in the village Cimenyan, Bandung.To reach Mount Moko, you simply pass straight road uphill to the top Padasuka Road, passing through one of the tourist attractions in Bandung most famous is Saung Angklung Udjo. Actually there is another way to reach Mount Moko, but is not recommended because of the state of the course more difficult to pass than at Jalan Padasuka.

To reach the Mount Moko I suggest using a vehicle in good condition, because in addition to climb quite steep, not across the street to the Mount Moko was paved. Most of the streets are going through will be in the form of rocks and soil, so it would be better if you use a high vehicle. In addition, when it is raining, the road will be slippery so you must be extra careful through it.

After passing through a rocky path, you will see a stall named Warung Daweung. Daweung stall is a stall that is perfect for enjoying the beauty of the city of Bandung from the Mount Moko.

Daweung stall is a stall whose name is taken from the language. In the language Indonesia , Warung Daweung means melamum stalls. Why stall named Warung Daweung daydreaming? The answer is because this place is perfect for daydreaming while enjoying the view of Bandung from the highest peak in Bandung.

Warung Daweung often the final destination for tourists who come to Mount Moko. The reason is of Warung Daweung they can enjoy the beautiful scenery, while eating a meal and drinks from Warung Daweung.

Warung Daweung is the only shop in this location, so it is very popular and widely known by the local people, therefore you do not have to worry about getting lost. If you are in doubt you can just ask the local villagers and quickly they will show the right direction towards Warung Daweung.

Warung Daweung virtually identical to the other stall when viewed in terms of food and drink on offer, such as instant noodles, fried bananas, bandrek, and others. However, Warung Daweung offers the best place to enjoy the food, which is at the highest peak in Bandung.

In addition to sitting on the floor under the roof of the building saung point Daweung, this shop also provides tables and chairs made of stone at the edge of the mountain is open, so you can sit there, eating good food, and enjoy the beautiful view of Bandung.

Travel Tips Mount Moko and Warung Daweung
  • 1.       Use the car is high, do not use a sedan or a city car for the road to be traversed very steep, winding, slippery and rocky.

  • 2.       Come before sunset so you can enjoy the beautiful view of the sunset, and then continued with a view of the night full of light from the city of Bandung.

  • 3.       Make sure the condition of the body and the condition of the car was good for the field trip is quite heavy.

  • 4.       Bring a jacket or use a thick clothes because the temperatures here passable cold, around 15 degrees Celsius.

  • 5.       There is no public transportation to the Mount Moko and Daweung point, if it does not have a personal vehicle inevitably you have to walk, bike, or ride a passing pickup truck.

Picture Source : & Google

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